No Mission is Impossible

The Final Judgement

       I am Flipmoo, founder of the IMAF.

I have come to give word to all of the remaining IMAF soldiers (if there are any).

IMAF has been a great expierence and orginization since the year it was created.

We have tried to revive the IMAF many times, though all we have failed.

Therefore, now I have come to give speech on The Final Judgement.

By the name of Flipmoo, I, the Supreme Commander and Founder of the IMAF, hereby shut down the IMAF, and all of it’s authorities. I will not tolerate any rebuilds, or revivals. Please let the IMAF rest in it’s place. I would like to thank all of the IMAF troops during this 5 years that supported me and the IMAF while it was still active. IMAF was created on December 31st, 2007. After 4 years of service, I declare the end of the IMAF on this day, June 7th, 2012. We have made the Top 4 in Major Armies at one point, and reached to around 26 soldiers at one event. We have achieved many goals. However, now is the time that we perish into the army graveyards.

~IMAF Founder and Supreme Commander,


I wanted the IMAF to end on this website, because this is where IMAF was created, and so I want it to be the place were the IMAF ends as well.

This judgement is final and cannot be changed by anyone in the world once it has been commenced. I understand that some may want to rebuild the IMAF, but please let the IMAF sleep in peace. I am proud of what the IMAF has achieved. We’ve even reached 760 views in one day, and had 25+ soldiers at one event. You guys are the best. We’ve had many generations, or stages, and we finally faced our end. Our organization is gone. But our legacy isn’t.

The video above is the best event ever in the IMAF history.

Memories until 2009.

This image is the 2nd generation’s peek. It was the first time that IMAF had the same amout of people as medium-major army.

IMAF was very kind, and they supported each other. Even when times were tough, they cheered each other up.

IMAF soldiers were loyal, and followed all of the commands that were given.

 We were the best of our generation.

This site was hacked 2 times. In result, we lost all of our posts, pictures, and history, However, there are some photos of the IMAF that are saved on my Photobucket. If you would like to see more photos, click here or here. There are some valuable clips that were recorded, and if you would like to look at those, click here.

Here are some videos that the IMAF soldiers created. (Excluding myself, JordFan, and XRD.)

By: Leboto

By: Mazzyandmilk

By: Supercool116

I will really miss you all. It was fun while it lasted. 🙂

When the site was hacked, my retirement post was deleted. However, I found a copy of it on my computer saved as a word file. Therefore, I would like to re-post it, to declare the end of the IMAF.

Today is the day that I retire. As I type one key at a time, I’m becoming sad. My time with you guys were awesome. We chatted, laughed, told jokes, and had funny times together. Our battles were fun, and even if we won or lost, all battles were good. We fought and argued with another soldier of the IMAF, but that just means we are tight. Arguments happen a lot, but remember this.

If someone says something awful on chat or a website, I guarantee that the person cannot say the sentence or word(s) in-front of the person he/she is talking to.


My reasons of retiring is quite simple.

  1. I moved to Japan. I would like to manage IMAF even in Japan, but with about 12 hours of school (In total, including going and coming back & the tennis club at school) plus the 13 horus time difference, I don’t think I can do it. xD 😦
  2. (Wanna be) Hackers. They ruin ClubPenguin armies. Don’t want to deal with them anymore.
  3. People who steals troops. xD Leb *D* Jaykay lol.

I started my army career in 2009, which is still young. I made the IMAF site on December 31st, 2007. Then, until today, it’s the day I retire. IMAF carries a lot of history, and is over 1-year-old now. Starting from a tiny army with only 2 troops, now, we’ve grown to a mass army with over 40 active troops. I never imagined that IMAF would ever become a major army. I was a n00b when I started IMAF, but now, you guys made me a “un-n00b” person. Thank you. IMAF is Major, and now our goal will be a World Power.

I will be back! After my retirement, I plan on coming back to the IMAF for 1 month during Summer Break! 😀 So, when I come back, make sure IMAF is in great shape so that we can all go on Club Penguin as IMAF again! 😀 Don’t lose hope! (Ps. You won’t know when I’ll be on. Remember my xat ID is Slimball2007 🙂 )

My request is this:

  1. Don’t merge into another army.
  2. Don’t change the IMAF website to another site.
  3. Try to refrain from retiring because of me.
  4. When I come back for a month, let me be a leader again. 😛
  5. Keep Ice Palace as our capital.

If you decide to retire because of me, I understand. However, I really don’t want IMAF to fall because I’m retiring. I really want IMAF to grow, not fall. Our pride is our color, red and blue. Red, showing that we are fearless, and blue, that shows we are nice, and support each other.

Most soldiers say I am too nice. Why is that? Is it because I threaten that if you don’t go on chat, I’ll demote you, but I don’t demote you even if you aren’t on chat?

Will you always remember me, Flippy, as your founder?

IMAF, you were one of the greatest things that happened to me. Without you guys, IMAF would just be an inactive army. Do you realize how important 1 soldier is in the IMAF? Even if you are a private, or a leader, they both are equal in their souls. Both are required. Privates to maintain our balance of members, Generals to maintain our moderators, Warlords to maintain our chat balance. All ranks have a purpose. Our virtual lives lead us to this specific army. Tell me, why did you choose this army? Whats so special about this specific army? Why not join ACP, and aim for the ACP leader? Why this army?

You are very generous to join the IMAF instead of another army. Thank you. You all are very important to me, and I will never forget an IMAF soldier.

My farewells to the brave soldiers that fought on IMAF’s side:

Friends when I was a blogger. (Before I was IMAF Leader)

Coolcat109: I know you’re not reading this, but you were the BEST. I hope I can talk to you again someday, and when we meet again, you’ll be surprised on how much the IMAF has grown. :mrgreen:

Spys: You were the most annoying guy I ever knew. But, you were a great guy, and I hope you can annoy me again. lol.

Wield Hogs: You were awesome. Same as Spys, you were annoying, but you were always there for me. Thanks. 😀

Wolz14: You once were a good friend. I’ll miss you buddy! 😀

Bmx Grl: You were the best. First girl I ever talked to on the internet. Lol. You still watch my YouTube videos, and you still comment and rate them. I hope we can talk again, but for now, good-bye.

Punkrockerz: Yes, I even included you on this retirement post. We once used to be friends, but then you betrayed us. Rofl. Well, good luck in your blogging.

Jimbobson: I’ll miss you buddy. Along with Punk Rockerz, you and I were tight. Good luck in life! 😀

Gjmc784: The frist guy in an army that ever talked to me. Even though the RBS is dead, they still remain in my soul. I never joined, but I hope to see you again.

York919 (Something like that): You never talked to me that much, but I hope you will have fun in life. I wish I could talk to you again.

Brent 10009: Heh, you made a widget site that helped me, and you are the best guy with ClubPenguin blogs. can you make the IMAF site cool like yours? Lol. You disappeared a long time ago, but I know you’re still out there.

Leaf Monkey: I’ll miss you buddy! Too bad UPA died! 😦 Good luck in life! 😀

Moneyman101 (I think): Even though we never chatted a lot, you were a good friend, and you were on my 2nd or 3rd music video. Thanks buddy! 😀

Thunderpenguin: Check the IMAF soldiers section.

45patric45 (Abom): Check the IMAF soldiers section.

JordFan: Check the IMAF soldiers section.

Danny Solo: Check the IMAF soldiers section.

Penny3532: You were the kindest person I’ve ever met. Thanks for everything. I owe you a lot. 🙂

Brett465: Check IMAF soldiers section.

Wii Dude 13: Check IMAF soldiers section.

Theyt3: Check IMAF soldiers section.

Kirby (Spicy Pie): Check IMAF soldiers section.

Arceus (W00T): You were a very nice guy, until you changed. Though, the nice you was the best. Thanks for throwing my mom a birthday party! She was really happy about it! 😀

IMAF Soldiers

JordFan: Since I started blogging, you and I were tight friends. I am glad you joined the IMAF, and I am glad I met you. PengWig,,, all those sites are now memories. I hope you remain in the IMAF until the limit. Thanks for all the memories, friend.

Monk55392: Monk! *hugs* You were a first generation soldier, retired, and came back. I am glad you came back, and I hope you are healthy for all your life, and make sure you don’t eat many chips. lol. I’ll hopefully see you again.

Mazzyandmilk: You were on my old cheat site, but we never really got to meet each other. Then, you retired because of the time difference, but the times with you are unforgettable. I hope we talk to each other again! 😀

Danny Solo: You pwn. You were one of my best friends on the internet. thanks for joining, even though you retired later. 🙂 I hope we can chat again! 😀

Hankez: You helped the IMAF grow. You were very loyal. Too bad you retired. You would’ve been an Ambassador by now. lol. Hankez, I loved your comedy and your old name. I hope we talk again. 🙂

Mario: *hugs* You are really loyal. You never turned me down or betrayed us. No matter what the conditions were, you were with the IMAF. Also, thanks for all the powers you gave to me. I really owe you a lot.

Eddie: During the 1st and 2nd generation, you were extremely active. I will never forget the memories of the wars that we fought together with. Remember the Japanese songs that we played on chat? Lol, good times. 8) I hope to see you again when I come back! 😀

Remember that video? xD

Skylie65: First girl in the IMAF. I am happy that you joined, and I hope you’ll stay from now on until you become my age. ROFL. Well, remember this, even if I’m gone from the IMAF for a couple of months, don’t lose hope.

ThunderPenguin: I’ll miss you buddy. Even though it was only for a little while, It was fun being with you. 🙂 😀

Jimmyjr325: You and ASCP were one of our best allies. I hope we meet again, and when we do, let’s have a battle with the army that you currently own.

Nasa7: You were a 2nd generation. Along with ASCP, you were in the IMAF. Until now, you’ve been with us and never betrayed us. Thank you, and I hope you side with the IMAF from now on too.

Theyt3: You were once a RBS soldier along with Gjmc784. Now, you have come back and decided to side with the IMAF. Thanks buddy. When I saw you on the IMAF chat, I almost cried. Welcome back, my friend.

Leboto: You were a n00b, but now, you are one heck of a soldier. Even though you retired, you once were a very active IMAF soldier, and I want to thank you for that. Also, thanks for the powers and days you gave me. I couldn’t have gotten allpowers without them 🙂 *hugs* 🙂

Mixing Red: Along with Leboto, you and Leboto have been friends for a long time. Even though you disappeared, I will still remember you, and so will the rest of IMAF. 😉

Kirby (Spicy Pie): When you joined the IMAF during the 4~5th generation, I almost doubted my eyes! You were back! Though, now you seem to have disappeared. 😦 I hope we can meet again, and when we do, I hope you are active in the IMAF again. 😀

Supercool116: During the 2nd generation, you wanted to be the Secretary of Defense. But now, you are a legend. Every battle that you attended to was epic. Even now, you help us, and I am proud that you still care about IMAF even though you retired. Have a nice life. 🙂

Thekid20: Even though you quit the IMAF, you once used to be one of the most active soldiers. Too bad you retired. I hope I can see you again!

Agent Es: You are sort of impatient and selfish, but you are a very nice guy. I hope you do a good job on your cheat site, but remember this, BEWARE OF SCAMMERS, AND GO TO IMAF EVENTS WHEN YOU ARE CALLED. 😉 Also, be careful on who you hang out with.

Mcnuggetboy: Sorry I impeached you. You were a very active guy on the IMAF site, but not on chat. Sorry. Though, at every event that you made it to, the events were epic. Without the Nuggets merging into us, I think we would have have been a little smaller than our current size. Thanks a bunch.

Trumpet Dude: Since I started my cheat site, you’ve been on my side. You even joined the IMAF for me! Thanks dude. You’re one of the IMAF now. Even though you retired from the IMAF, I hope we can still talk to each other! 😀

Cowbay(Alex): One of the most active owners. I’m glad you joined the IMAF. I hope you will stay for a longer period then I did. 🙂 I’ll miss you’re funny stick figures! See ya!

10chuckie10 (Cool Foel): Hola. You think I forgot about you? You betrayed us, but you did a lot of good things for the IMAF and I must thank you for that. I hope we can meet again! 🙂

Xtreme Dude4: Thanks for joining the IMAF. You rock at skateboarding dude! Rock on, and be with the IMAF, and you will reach mod in no time! 😀

Dan91123: Nice little fella’. Once you become more strong in the heart and the mind, you’ll be able to climb up the IMAF ranks so easily. Thanks for joining, and I hope you won’t forget me!

Fish (OMG-Fish): IMAF is a very unusual army compared to others. Anyways, I hope you’ll continue serving in the IMAF! 😀

Tiny Ronan: Whew. You were in the Nachos when I recruited you. You were a n00b back then, remember? lol. However, now, you’ve grown out of becoming a n00b and continued to serve the IMAF. Thanks. 🙂

Foleyethan/143meg: Thanks for buying IMAF CSS! 😀 You’ve made your way up to the leader rank, and I will always remember you! Good luck!

Etac14: Second girl in the IMAF. 😛 You started off as a 2ic because of the Rebel Army merge, and you’ve earned your way up to leader. Thanks, and good luck leading with the other leaders! *hugs* 🙂 Oh, and by the way, if some people trouble you again, talk to the IMAF. We promise to help. 😀 =3

A 189 (Alamo): I’ve been harsh with you sometimes, but you’ve earned your way up to leader, but I guess it was too early for you. I’m sorry. I’ll miss you a lot though. *hugs* Thanks for everything. 🙂

Xrayx: Buddy, I’m sad that you left xat, but I hope you’re at least reading this message! Thanks for joining the IMAF, and someday, I hope you can go on the IMAF cat again! 😀 Good luck in life buddy! *hugs*

Penguiny36: Even though you are still a noobsih guy, but you were really nice, and I hope you will stay in the IMAF and become really active! 😀 Take care! *hugs*

Lightning Miq: One of the most funny/loyal soldiers in the IMAF. I remember when your name was plain old, “ℓιgнтηιηg мιq,” on the IMAF chat. 😛 Well, sorta. xD. Anyways, good luck in life, my friend! 😀

7862cool: Hola. Didn’t think I’ll add you. eh? 😛 You’ve been to some IMAF events, and even though you don’t go on the IMAF chat often, you come to battles. Thanks a bunch! 😀

Couchmaster: Hello buddy! We’ve gone to the same elementary school with Wii Dude 13 and Brett465, and I hope you continue serving in the IMAF! 😀

Mattew Heat: Hola my friend. Remember when we used to trade Pokemon cards? xD. Good times. Anyways, I don’t see you on chat, but I hope you soon show up! 😀

Wii Dude 13: You’ve been a good friend to me since elementary school, and I hope we can meet again! 😀

45patric45 (Abom): Oh wow. Just like JordFan, you’ve grown a lot, and since I started ClubPenguin blogging you’ve always been there for me. Please don’t retire because of me, because if you do, I won’t be able to talk to you again! I hope you have a good life, and lets talk again! 😀

Brett465: Just like Wii Dude 13, you’ve been a friend for a very long time since elementary school, but sometimes, you were difficult to deal with. I hope we can meet each other again! 😀

Coldys: You quit after joining, but I was happy that you joined even for a minute. Thanks for everything in the past and now! 😀 🙂

Dogfood86: You were really creative, and you supported IMAF in every way you could. Thanks, and I hope we can soon meet again when I return.

Donut67890: I wish you had IMAF as your main army. We could really use someone like you. Anyways, thanks for joining the IMAF. 😀

Ninja Shodow: Remember when I made that header for your cheat site? xD Even though I had to call you to IMAF chat every time, now, you come on your own. Thanks! I’ll miss you buddy!

Corey: Bye buddy. I first met you in ASCP (I think) and since then, when ASCP died, you joined the IMAF and served for a long time, retired, and now you’ve chosen to come back. Thanks. 😀

Rexrider: Hey! You’re main army is NC, but you always come on chat when I PC you (But sometimes, you don’t. *D* lol), thanks for everything! 😀 *hugs*

Kansas234: You’ve never quit before, even though you said you will. That is a huge honor, and I hope you’ll keep it for some time. I’ll never forget your strange, but entertaining jokes.

Tanman626: Your main army is Nachos, but I don’t mind. Even though I didn’t really get to know you, I’ll still miss you. Bye my friend! 😀

Billy Mays: Thanks for joining the IMAF. You’re a really good guy. Too bad IMAF isn’t your MAIN army though. (XD) Bye, friend. 🙂

Panthers Bas: You were the best and only temp. leader in the IMAF. Too bad you retired, but I hope you can earn your rank back up, and when you do, fight for IMAF and don’t consider retiring for a long time. 🙂 Bye Panthers! *hugs*

Hurricane a.k.a Lil Andrew: Thanks for joining the IMAF. You’re a really awesome dude. I hope you will join the IMAF again! 😀 *hugs*

Snowbomb545: Dang, I remember when you used to own UGR. I miss you, lol. I hoe you have a good future, and good luck in life! 😀 *hugs* 🙂

Mrtchy: Even though you have a huge time zone difference (like me) you’ve done your best, and I hope you’ll continue to do so. I’ll miss you buddy! 😦 *hugs*

Jojordan: I’ll miss you so much buddy! Too bad the Flyers had to die. 😦 But I hope your future in the IMAF is bright! 😀 Good luck my friend! 😀

Keveb: CPST or IMAF…. you chose IMAF. Thanks so much buddy. *hugs* Even though you sort of disappeared, I will never forget you. Bye my friend! 😀

Kevechie: I’ll miss you buddy, thanks for helping out the IMAF. 😀

Maxi96203: Good luck in life buddy. I’ll miss you a bunch! 😀

Other Armies

Army of ClubPenguin

Boomer20: I’ll never forget you as the great old ACP leader. Good luck in life. 😀

Twilicat: I’ll miss you buddy! Thanks for watching my Livestream! 😀


Person1233: First major army leader to actually help out the IMAF. I’m really happy that you exsist, and I’ll never forget your funny jokes and prevertness. (It’s inap, but funny. xD)

Koreh: I’ll miss you buddy. I have an epic time being with you! 😀

Dashing Snow: I’ll miss you Brass@$$dash! 😀 *hugs*

Roman Fire Warriors

Pringle64: Konnichiwa Pringle-san. Gennki desuka? I’ll never forget your great partnership, graphics, and etc. You rock, and so does the RFW.*hugs* I’ll miss you! 😦 🙂

Pochoma123: I put you in the RFW section because that’s where you belong. Thanks for joining/helping the IMAF though. I’ll remember you as my friend. 😀

Watex Warriors:

Lucario564: I’ll miss you old friend, I hope I can meet you again. 🙂

Hot Sauce Army:

Dudex219: Thanks for including me on YOUR retirement post. I hope I can see you again! 😀

Golden Troops:

Saiyaman Xc: Thanks for joining the IMAF even for a little while. I wish you luck in WW and GT. Bye my friend!

Riotors: I’ll miss you! You’re a really nice guy. Bye! 😀 *hugs*


Supperz1: You like to hug. xD Too bad you couldn’t take me to your closet or bed again (wary) (XD). xD Good luck in Elites, my friend.

Godplaya: Good luck in CPA Central and your other armies. I’ll miss you buddy! 😀

Ice Warriors:

Iceyfeet1234: You’re one of the nicest leaders that I’ve known. I hope you’ll be able to talk to me again when I come back! 😀

Rugrat93: I’ll miss you buddy. Live strong. xD

Team Gold:

Spice Ice116: Hey! Sorry I was a little harsh on you. But I’ll miss you buddy! 😦 Bye my friend. 😀

Shadow Troops:

Commando717: I bet you don’t even remember me. xD Well, I’ll miss you. 🙂 Good luck! 😀


Dani a.k.a DBPenguin: You used to be our best allies. Too bad CPAF merged though. 😦 I’ll miss you! 😀

Log: Hey! Thanks for the “Thank You” when we helped out CPAF in a battle. You’re the only one who commented a “Thank You” on our site. xDD *hugs* Bye buddy. 🙂


45cent54 (I think): Thanks for everything. I’ll miss you buddy! 😀

Money: I’ll miss you! 😀 *hugs* 🙂 Good luck in life! 😀

Ashpie: I’ll miss you! Thanks for accepting the treaty with IMAF! *pce* 😀


Rated R Superstar: I’ll miss seeing you at Trade, buddy. Good luck!

Sunshine: Bye! I’ll miss you! 😀 *hugs* Good luck in life! 😀

When the IMAF site was hacked, I felt really sad. Our history was gone. All that remained is our memory. As we retire, and as others do, we forget about the things that happened. That’s what I’m sad about. IMAF, I will never forget you. NEVER.

My Retirement Song/Video:


IMAF will suffer. IMAF will have to overcome huge obstacles someday. IMAF will fall, but when we rise back up, we are invulnerable. That doesn’t mean we cant lose. It means we’ll never die until ClubPenguin Armies do. I’ll still check over the IMAF site. 😀 IMAF. I’ll miss you. *hugs*


~Flipmoo, Proud Founder of the IMAF.


Good-bye, IMAF.


18 responses

  1. R.I.P IMAF.

    June 7, 2012 at 9:13 AM

  2. I haven’t done much with IMAF since that one generation, but this was a great army that I have been in. It was a very special experience to me and this helped me with my army career. I was still a part-noob when I was in IMAF. I don’t think I am anymore. Thank you, Impossible Mission Army Force, for all you have done for me. R.I.P. , IMAF.

    Also, thank you for including me in your retirement post. Hey, I’m also in a couple of pictures of IMAF. As I said before, thank you all, that supported this fantastic army and how it has helped me and changed my Club Penguin life.

    July 2, 2012 at 11:23 PM

  3. ♣||»Sιя Bℓυєsσ¢кωa тнє 2η∂«||♣

    Unfortunate I did not see this sooner, but it may still make CPAC news.

    July 4, 2012 at 9:49 PM

  4. Dang it you big jerk flippy! You left me out on purpouse! *sniff* you bastard.. *waaaaaaah* You were the best leader every *cry* You wont be forgotten! *sniff*

    July 23, 2012 at 10:28 AM

    • I never forgot you! I wrote this retirement post 3 years ago, so you weren’t in the IMAF at that time!
      Here’s my message to you. 🙂

      Cubone12345: I never got to talk to you on xat, but judging by the comments you make and the effort you put into the IMAF was something that I could see and feel in my heart. You were a loyal, shining soldier and I am sorry for shutting the IMAF down. Thanks for everything you’ve done.

      September 15, 2012 at 11:05 PM

  5. »||∂я.ѕωιммєявσу₀₁†||[єρι¢.4]«

    I’m so un-remembered.

    July 30, 2012 at 9:45 PM

  6. Can’t believe it’s that time.. Rest in peace IMAF. I wish I was there more often. 😦

    August 6, 2012 at 11:16 PM

  7. Hankez (PartyPeopleHaveRights)

    I checked this site for the first time in 2 years to see this….. I’m very sad to hear about this since i was a 2nd generation soldier (Flip thanks for the shout out) haha also flippy remember our great war against the Purple Heads army i think it was?! Epic. I remember always being on club penguin spamming “Impossible Mission Army Force!” and our war with the gold army that we won by a slim margin. I wish I didn’t have to retire, but IMAF couldnt stay alive forever. Flippy, you were one of the coolest kids i knew. You were so nice and such a dedicated leader. R.I.P. IMAF, but thank you for a great run/

    August 7, 2012 at 12:57 AM

    • I’m glad that you still check the site, even if it’s been 2 years since you last came on. xD
      I remember the war with the Purple Heads. At that time you were a moderator. ^^

      Thanks for the compliments, but you were one of my best buddies in my ClubPenguin army career. We had fun together. I hope we can still stay in touch sometimes.

      September 15, 2012 at 11:09 PM

  8. Cowbay

    Flip! Oh man, I wish I read this sooner. You were the best leader I’ve had. Ever. Be sure to email me at

    Flipmoo: Will do! ^^

    August 16, 2012 at 9:19 PM

  9. iPod97Mp3

    Yes, I disappeared for a long time. I’m really, truly sorry for that guys. I was just going through a nostalgia phase, and I was thinking, “How’s the IMAF doing without me?” Well, I was incredibly saddened to see this happening since I left. I hope you don’t think less of me for leaving, but I became sort of disinterested in Club Penguin itself after I vanished.

    Yeah, so that’s my update. And it looks like it’s too late to save you guys.

    IMAF, you will be missed. Keep on doing the impossible guys.

    September 16, 2012 at 8:44 PM

  10. Flip i need to talk to you. if you ever see this comment contact me at k******* or ill be there.

    September 29, 2012 at 11:45 PM

  11. Alвєʀт0ManЧ17|RedWarriorsLeader|

    Hey nice army even though I never joined I hope your good out there and had fun leading for 4+ Years

    March 10, 2013 at 10:39 PM

  12. Alвєʀт0ManЧ17|RedWarriorsLeader|

    Somebody still has access to this site to moderate my comment are you there IMAF?

    March 10, 2013 at 10:43 PM

  13. izzie3005oo

    i care man, anyway u should get chat for this thing :/

    March 28, 2013 at 7:11 AM

  14. I really want to join please put this thing back up your not cursed your awesome you just had a little bad luck that happens your bad luck is gone by now so lets start this army back up with luck and let’s never lose/drop that luck:)

    January 15, 2015 at 4:27 PM

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